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Curriculum Intent


  • to support and encourage all children in achieving their full potential with the knowledge and skills they need to get to the next stage of their learning and live a successful life;

  • to be an inspirational and exciting learning community where children feel happy, safe and cared for;

  • to celebrate and value diversity and individuality in our school, in our community and in the wider world;

  • to develop caring, independent and confident citizens and provide a strong foundation for the future.




Our curriculum is designed to spark excitement and curiosity in every child, underpinned by our six values and our school charter. Each subject is taught discretely, ensuring a solid foundation of knowledge, with dedicated Subject Spotlights, each term to dive deeper into key areas of learning: Geography in Autumn, History in Spring and Science in Summer. These Subject Spotlights give children the opportunity to explore topics in depth and build essential knowledge, preparing them for the next stage of their learning journey. 



Curriculum Implementation

Throughout the year, learning is guided by thought-provoking enquiry questions that encourage children to investigate, explore, and engage with the subjects on a deeper level. Whether they're uncovering the wonders of the world in Geography, stepping back in time with History or discovering the marvels of Science, children are empowered to develop a love of learning and connect ideas across subjects.  


For more detailed information on each term's content please refer to our Curriculum Catcher documents further down. 


Memorable Experiences are used to both capture children’s interest and to add a real-life context to their learning, strengthening their personal development. These experiences could be a visit somewhere; a visitor coming into school; or an experience led by staff in school.  


Following this robust curriculum ensures that teachers deliver quality first teaching and allows exceptional learning to take place in all classrooms. Our curriculum progression documents ensure that learning is well-sequenced between subject themes and year groups. The use of assessment ensures that pupils’ knowledge is embedded, built upon and secured. 

Look at what we offer to help develop our children into becoming the best that they can be!

Curriculum Impact


As a direct result of our powerful and well-implemented curriculum, we expect the impact to be that:


  • Our pupils are well-rounded individuals with a love of learning;
  • Our pupils develop detailed knowledge and skills across the curriculum and, as a result, achieve well – making good progress from their starting points;
  • Our pupils achieve at least in line with national average in statutory assessments;
  • Our pupils have high aspirations for the future;
  • Our pupils are tolerant of other cultures, faiths and beliefs;
  • Our pupils are mentally and emotionally happy, and resilient;
  • Our pupils develop the cultural capital to live a good life in the 21st Century world.

If you would like further information on the curriculum we teach, please contact the school directly.
