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  • To develop pupils’ creativity and confidence to produce their own individual pieces of art using a range of materials. 
  • To study the work of many artists and designers to develop an awareness of those who have helped shape history and have contributed to the culture, creativity and wealth of our nation.
  • To inspire pupils to experiment and develop their art, craft and design skills to become proficient in drawing, colour, sculpture and other art, craft and design techniques. 
  • To develop pupils' ability to reflect and critically evaluate their own work and that of others.





To ensure high standards of teaching and learning in Art, we implement a curriculum that is progressive throughout the whole school. In line with the National Curriculum 2014, Art projects are carefully planned and structured to ensure pupils’ knowledge and skills of drawing, colour and sculpture are developed through a combination of opportunities for repeated practice and new projects. To ensure progression and consistency across the school, the Access Art scheme is used to deliver a rich, contemporary and diverse approach from EYFS to Year 6.


 All pupils have sketchbooks which follows them through each Key Stage. Sketchbooks provide pupils with the safe space to take risks, develop their critical and creative thinking skills, to build their knowledge and understanding of materials and techniques, developing their experience of how they can make a creative response to a variety of stimulus through drawing, colour and structure.  

Across the year, pupils engage in workshops are delivered by local artists and whole school art projects offering pupils the opportunity to work in unity and to be inspired. Pupils final pieces are displayed in the Key Stage 1 Art Gallery and Art Exhibitions which are shared with parents and the local community. 








The impact and measure of this is to ensure that pupils are equipped with detailed knowledge and skills that will enable them to be ready for the curriculum at Key Stage 3 and for life as an adult in the wider world.


We want pupils at Grimoldby Primary School to have enjoyed learning about Art and therefore be inspired to apply their learning and broaden their skills even further in the future.
