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With children living in an advancing digital society our Computing curriculum is designed to support pupils’ in becoming digitally literate, autonomous, and socially responsible online. To do this it is spit into the following key concepts:


  • Online safety: Children understand how to be safe online, how to behave online and to report anything that they found unsettling to adults.
  • Communication: Presenting information using word processing and other programs to display and share information. Including the development of typing using a keyboard, inputting images modifying images and data handling. Additionally, this includes understanding the role a piece of technology can play within an environment.
  • Computing Science: Children learn about the primary uses of computer networks and their capabilities to allow users to share resources and store data. Children learn specific coding vocabulary. Children learn to become computational thinkers: reading code, constructing algorithms, analytically looking at problems, debugging code and developing code with variables. 


Children need to feel safe online so in coherence with the school safeguarding policy children are taught to recognise online bullying and how to report or manage problems should they arise.


Our Computing curriculum progresses children’s understanding of Computer Science throughout the school. First, children interact with technology and can recognise it. Then they unpack the importance of coherent sequenced instructions, which supports children to understand the structure of an algorithm. By the end of Year 6 children will be able to read and write basic event-driven coding using the ‘Scratch’ and ‘Python’ programming language.




To ensure pupils have the skills and knowledge they need in digitally literate society, we implement a curriculum that is progressive throughout the school. Online safety is taught in the first term and revisited throughout the year via Safer Internet  Day, PHSE and assemblies.


Children learn to take images, edit, and adapt images, consequently learning about fake news. This progresses further to understand how to identify trustworthy sources of information.   


To record and present knowledge, children will have exposure to the Microsoft suit and other data processing apps. This allows pupils to present information, import images, create spreadsheets to handle data or use recording apps to create reports. Data handling experiences allow children to sort information and present it using known programs; a skill which supports their digital literacy as they move into higher education and the wider community.


Computing Science is taught in a sequence which allows for the consolidation and building on of children’s prior knowledge. Children learn to read code through unplugged, discrete and immersive lessons. Pupils are then able to tinker with technology - exploring elements of code. Unplugged opportunities allow children to deconstruct algorithms before creating their own algorithms. Children consolidate existing knowledge and find ‘neater’ and more efficient ways to complete a task (for example in the learning of short keys or use of loops in coding).  A progressive vocabulary document supports staff and pupils with the development of computing vocabulary and specific coding vocabulary.



Technology allows people to access information and engage with knowledge freely, giving us the opportunity to follow any lines of enquiry we are inspired to follow. We want children to enjoy this improved method of communication whist also remaining safe and digitally literate.


Technology is an incredible tool for understanding others and expressing emotions through creative processes (videos, art, blogs). We want children to know where to find trustworthy sources and understand the difference between fact and opinion, news and fake news so they can make informed choices now and in the future.


The impact and measure of this is to ensure that children at Grimoldby Primary School are equipped with the skills to engage in an ever-growing online world while also remaining safe.
