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  • To develop pupils’ knowledge and understanding of religion, faiths, and cultures around the world and produce pupils who are religiously literate.
  • To provide an engaging and thought-provoking RE curriculum that develops caring and respectful members of society, who celebrate diversity and individuality.
  • To help pupils learn and retain knowledge about key religions, figures, and symbols and explore key concepts, contributing to pupils social, moral, spiritual and cultural development.



Our RE curriculum is progressive: pupils learn the basic knowledge and concepts of a religion, faith, or culture before developing their knowledge of this further in more depth as they move across the school.

Our RE curriculum is enquiry based and follows a four step enquiry process which enables pupils to develop their substantive, disciplinary and personal knowledge. Although RE is a knowledge-based subject, we support pupils to develop the following skills through our four step enquiry process, which gives pupils the abilities needed to gain knowledge and understanding in RE .The four step enquiry process starts with an enquiry question and follows this structure:


  • Engagement
  • Investigation
  • Evaluation
  • Expression


The RE Curriculum is designed by focusing on knowledge stated in the Lincolnshire Agreed Syllabus and Early Years curriculum and to provide pupils with a clear view of religion and beliefs today. RE is taught as a discrete subject, with a block unit across a term using Jigsaw RE to ensure robust coverage of religions, beliefs and faiths. We also teach the pupils about any significant religious festivals, celebrations or holidays alongside these units and in whole-school assemblies.


Although RE is taught discreetly, pupils use their R.E knowledge in other subjects such as Geography, when studying a range of places around the world by learning about the culture and various beliefs of citizens. We teach the importance of celebrating diversity and ensure that pupils hold balanced and informed conversations about RE. As a school, we promote reading for pleasure and provide pupils with many diverse books in our library to take home. Each class have a range of books that are shared in school or at home with characters who are from different countries, cultures, or religions.


First-hand experience for pupils include visitors into school, experiences lead by staff in school, observing and handling key artefacts from a religion or visits to places of worship.



The impact and measure of this is to ensure that pupils are equipped with detailed knowledge and skills that will enable them to be ready for the curriculum at Key Stage 3 and for life as an adult in the wider world. 


Pupils are tolerant of other faiths, cultures, and beliefs. They demonstrate a positive attitude towards people of any religion and show an understanding of cultural beliefs different to their own. They demonstrate respectful behaviour to all, and this is transferable outside of school in the wider community and beyond. They develop the cultural capital to live a good life in the 21st century. We want pupils to have enjoyed learning about R.E and therefore be inspired to undertake new life experiences, both now and in the future and accept and celebrate the world's ever-growing diversity. If you do not wish your child to take part in the RE Curriculum, please inform us.
