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  • To develop in pupils an understanding of the world around them by promoting curiosity and giving pupils the opportunity to ask and answer their own questions.
  • To develop an awareness of the uses of Science in both the past and present, and the implications that it has now and those that it may have for the future.  
  • To develop understanding of biology, chemistry and physics through different types of scientific enquiry, as well as developing knowledge and skills. 




In ensuring high standards of teaching and learning in Science, we implement a curriculum that is progressive throughout the whole school. Working scientifically skills are embedded throughout lessons,  to ensure they continue to be developed throughout pupils' entire time at the school. A progressive whole school vocabulary document allows children to develop their scientific language.

Although Science is taught as a stand-alone subject, where possible, the Science curriculum is linked to each class project to encourage deeper connections. The curriculum coverage is taught in a progressive and purposeful manner, with teachers using prior knowledge, and end of unit assessment for learning to make judgements on how pupils are progressing. To develop science capital, pupils across Years 1 – 6 learn about key scientists of the past and present (and of different genders and races), to understand the role of scientists: why they are important both now and in the future.



The impact and measure of this is to ensure that pupils at Grimoldby Primary School develop detailed scientific knowledge and skills which provide pupils with the foundations for understanding the world around them. These foundations will enable them to be ready for the curriculum at Key Stage 3 and for life as an adult in the wider world. 


We want pupils to have enjoyed learning about Science, and therefore have a love of learning which inspires them to continue to develop their curiosity towards Science, and understanding of the world around them both now, and in the future.

